Monday, February 16, 2015


We as human beings possess an inner voice that we use to talk to ourselves. Some people tend to suppress it thinking they are crazy. Well you are not. We all possess that inner voice……..each and every last one of us. While some find ways to suppress it, others nature it for negative self-dialogues.  They use this inner voice to ridicule themselves, blame themselves or call themselves negative names. They turn this voice into their inner enemy. This is the worst of all enemies for that inner voice is always with you, before you sleep, when you wake up or whenever you are alone. It’s like being locked in a ridiculously small room together with your sworn enemy. The good news is that is state is not permanent. This voice can be used for greater good within oneself. Teach yourself to have motivational dialogue to oneself, call yourself names that energize yourself and to talk yourself into focus whenever you are losing it. This is more uplifting than the negative self-dialogue. Just like any muscle on the human body, this dialogue can be set right. It time to stop suppressing your inner voice and rather train and nature it for positive and motivational self-dialogues. The time to put yourself down ends today and right now. Let’s live today.