Monday, February 9, 2015


What do you want? Too simple a question yet very vital. We live in an era in which there are too many distractions to deal with. These distractions pull us into many different directions, leaving us confused and less focused on what is important. What are your distractions and how do they affect your focus on your life? Do you even realize that they are distractions? The sooner you recognize what your distractions are, the better for only then will you get to devise ways of avoiding them. But recognizing your distractions is only just the beginning. You must personally define what you expect out of your life. Stop letting other people define what your life will turn out to become. Define what you want in your life and make a plan on how to reach it. And after you have reached it, define a new want. This is the cycle of life that never ends. Let’s start defining what we want our lives to be and how achieve the things that we want, today. That’s what is really important. Let’s live today.


Only you….yes. You are in control of yourself. You are in control of your future, actions, character and destiny. The idea of making excuses and blaming other people for what happens in your life only complicates self-improvement. No matter what happens in your life, you get to choose how to react. You can choose to either learn from it (good or bad) or let it be the end of you (when a bad thing happens). The important thing is that we always have a choice. This is one of the fruits of life. No matter how much resistance, hatred, opposition, that you get from people, companies, workmates, only you gets to choose whether to give up or keep going. Make a choice to build an unbreakable character, stop making excuses, accept your mistakes and learn from them. Look inside yourself and say, “I’m in charge here”. Acknowledge your control and take charge of your life because if you don’t, life will take charge of you. Today is the day and now the time for us to take charge of our lives. Let’s live today.


We know who our friends are…..our brothers, parents and all the people around us. It is in our nature to do so but rarely do we invest time to understand ourselves really well. To truly understand oneself is a very long and ongoing process that can only stop when one dies. It is a hard, tiring and sometimes lonely process but very rewarding, every step of the way. An unorthodox process with many tears, failures and pains, it yields the sweetest victories. During this process, blindly following other people (band wagon effect) is unacceptable. One chooses the path of his passion, willing to let failure make him or her a better person. The time of just following or doing things without reason should end today. Find out what your passions are and follow them. Find what your weaknesses are and work on them. Realize your strengths and exploit them to the fullest. Discover your fears and work towards overcoming them for every fear over powered comes back as confidence. Let’s start living life to unlock all our hidden capabilities. Today is the day and now the time to start for tomorrow is never guaranteed. Let’s live today.